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Discovering Prince's Bay: A Staten Island Gem

  History and Background of Prince's Bay Prince's Bay is a neighborhood located in the southernmost part of Staten Island, NY. It is known for its rich history and scenic beauty. The area was named after Prince's Bay, a small body of water that borders the neighborhood. Originally inhabited by the Lenape Native Americans, Prince's Bay was later settled by European colonists in the 17th century. In the 19th century, Prince's Bay became a popular destination for wealthy New Yorkers who built summer homes in the area. The neighborhood was also home to several oyster farms, which were a major industry at the time. Today, Prince's Bay retains its historic charm with many well-preserved Victorian-era houses and buildings. The neighborhood is also known for its picturesque waterfront views and access to nature. With its tranquil atmosphere and close proximity to parks and beaches, Prince's Bay offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Top

Tidbits for First Time Renters

There are many decisions to make when choosing your first apartment to rent. When searching for your ideal one, here are some tidbits to consider:

Some apartment buildings will organize events throughout the year to encourage people to meet and greet others living in the same building or area. This is a good sign because the company wants to promote a more open and is also acknowledging your existence. You are not merely a cheque number. Recreational Options
Does the apartment building have a pool or a gym? Having recreational activities available in or around the apartment is a bonus for anyone who enjoys an active lifestyle. It is also a very good way to meet fellow renters and become better neighbours.

Contact information
Always have your landlord's number on hand in case you run into any issues during your stay. For apartment buildings, the superintendents' numbers should also be made available. This ensures that any concerns or issues are addressed as quickly as possible to prevent further problems.

Furbished Apartments
Some apartments also include all or some furniture upon renting This can be a plus for any first-time renter although it may up the price of the apartment and will make it a little more easy to lose your damage deposit if you are careless during your stay. Other apartments include no furniture at all and you will be required to acquire your own, but you will be in charge of creating the feel that you desire.

Protect your damage deposit
When renting an apartment, a damage deposit is often required. At the end of the renter's contract, they are entitled to have the damage deposit returned to them. However, this is only owed to the renter if they have maintained their end of the contract and have not damaged anything in the apartment that belongs to the owner. Sometimes, landlords may try to weasel away the damage deposit by claiming an aspect of the apartment was damaged during the renter's stay.

It is extremely important during the initial showing before your move into the apartment that you photograph any damage done by previous renters as proof that it was not done by you. This will prove to be very helpful if you need to fight for your damage deposit. Keep in mind that if you leave furniture behind to be removed or a substantial mess to clean up, you may lose part of or all your damage deposit.

It may feel overwhelming, but with patience and courage, you can find the ideal apartment to make your own.


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